Wintertime Specials

Wintertime is the time of year when we tend to slow down.  The bear spirit is strong during this time.  The cold, dark days mark the time to sleep more, store reserves, slow down, and emotionally, people tend to go inward, into a lot of self-reflection.  Hibernation.  It is hard for us as a culture to SLOW DOWN.  Our culture is built on hectic schedules and our bodies start to form patterns built from stress.  Wintertime also can be a time when people exercise less, eat more, and feel lethargic.  Also, lack of vitamin D from sunshine affects our vital life force.  Living in heated homes, whether central forced air or radiant heat, has a big effect on drying the skin and organs of your body.  Diva Ayurveda is a grassroots Ayurvedic Center and our goal is to make this ancient science accessible to everyone.  The treatments are based on the concept of revitalizing the body and mind.  Come and experience how the way you think and feel can change by coming in for just one treatment.  Listed below are our Wintertime treatments:

The benefits of individual treatments are many.  Here is a list of some:

  • improved circulation
  • revitalizes the skin
  • aids in sleep
  • stimulates organs to function better
  • Strengthens the immune system

Each season, the body needs to detox yet be nourished.  Try one of our treatments and experience how the quality of your health improves!

1.)  ABHYANGA, a 4-handed full body massage is only $50 through Valentine’s Day.  Book now to receive this great discount.  Or give a gift certificate for Valentine’s Day.  A savings of $15.

2.)  5 SENSE THERAPY, this 2 hour treatment nourishes the senses.  A head, neck, shoulder massage, facial steam, followed by cleansing the senses, and finishing with a full body warm oil massage. $130.

Savings of $35.

3.)  Have little time?  Come in for a modified 5 sense therapy.  Head, neck, shoulder massage, facial steam, and 5 sense cleansing.  $80.  Savings of $20.

4.)  ABHYANGA AND UDVARTHANA, this revitalizing combination is great for weight loss and control and to break up the stubborn areas that form in our bodies.  Also a great treatment for the wintertime skin, you will leave feeling soft and glowing.  $108.  A $22 savings.

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Body Therapies Level 2: Shirodhara and Swedhana

This training is being held at Bhavana Institute in LeGrange, IL and open to students of Ayurveda.  This small class setting is designed to teach the individual how to perform a shirodhara on clients and learn about the effectiveness and indications of herbalized steam in removing toxins.  Call Diva Ayurveda or contact Bhavana Institute for more details.

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Level 4 Body Therapies: Pinda Swedhana and Udvarthana

Level 4:  Pinda Swedhana, Udvarthana.  Learn these deeper therapies to help further eliminate toxins from the body.  This class teaches the students the essential Ayurvedic and Western herbs used for these treatments.
December 10th, 2010  10-3 p.m.  cost:  $300

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Level 3 Body Therapies: Nasya, Netra Tarpana, Karana Purana

Level 3:  Nasya, Netra Tarpana, and Karana Purana.  This class teaches you how to cleanse the five senses as well as nourish them.  You will learn many techniques of massage and steam and the use of oils and ghee for cleansing the senses.
November 12th, 2010  10-3 p.m.  cost:  $200

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Level 2 Body Therapies: Swedhana and Shirodhara

Level 2:  Shirodhara and Swedhana.  This class teaches you how to set up a complete shirodhara, the ancient practice of pouring herbalized oil over the third eye.  Swedhana is the use of herbalized steam for removing toxins and detoxifying the body.
October 8th, 2010  10-3 p.m. cost:  $200

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Level 1 Body Therapies Training: Abhyanga

Level 1:  Abhyanga.  Learn the Foundation of this ancient practice.  This class teaches you the techniques to confidently perform a full body oil massage using specific oils.
September 10th, 2010 10-3 p.m.  cost:  $200

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Foods To Warm Your Soul: Culinary Delights For The Fall Season

Learn how to enhance your kitchen pantry and make unique meals using seasonal Ayurvedic recipes to keep you warm and healthy during the Fall season.  We will use local foods of the Fall and make an entire Ayurvedic meal including all six tastes:  Sweet, Salty, Spicy, Pungent, Bitter, and Astringent.

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Springtime Panchakarma: The Art of Ayurvedic Detoxification

Springtime, in Ayurveda, is considered one of the most important transitions of the year. This time is marked by damp, wet weather and the increasing return of the sun’s energy and heat. The long months of winter hardened many of the toxins in our bodies. Native people talk about how the spirit of the Bear is what defines us in Wintertime. That energy is hibernation, reserving strength, padding up for warmth, and slowing down. When the transition comes for Spring, we have to find ways to tame the Bear energy and prepare for rebirth, new growth, and a fresh mind for Spring. The warm weather starts to melt the hardened toxins. The increase of spring showers affect our bodies which tend to see runny noses, congested coughs, more mucous and this is why Spring season is marked with colds, flus, and allergies. We also tend to hold our emotions through the cold season. In a sense, they become hardened too. Emotions start to run out, just like the Spring rains. Sadness, lethargy, attachments, grief are lingering emotions that need to be washed away. This is a perfect time to cleanse ama (accumulated toxins) and prepare the body to fight infections, chronic conditions, and stagnant emotions.

Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s 5000 year old system of detoxification and rejuvenation. It helps remove toxins from the seven layers of tissues: plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, nerve tissues, and reproductive tissues as well as rejuvenating one’s mental, physical, emotional, and even spiritual state. There are 3 parts to panchakarma: The first part (purvakarma) is a preparatory phase that is about 4-7 days of an internal cleanse that starts to lift deep, stubborn toxins from the body. Once this period is over, then Panchakarma starts which is usually 3 days of treatments that further detoxify the body and carries toxins out of the body using ancient therapies created thousands of years ago. These treatments are nourishing also and promote deep relaxation and create a para-symp athetic state in the body to allow for true healing to take place. The third part: the Rasayana period or rejuvenation period starts which is focusing on revitalizing the body and allowing new, fresh cells to form; free of toxins. After Panchakarma, the person can listen to their own body rhythms and discover new ways to maintain optimal health. It is said in the Ayurvedic texts that Spring is one of the best times to detox. Just as nature awakens from the cold, deep slumber of winter, so do we. We custom design each individual’s panchakarma to fit schedules and budgets.

Please contact Rima (414) 801 1576 or Jackie (414) 517 7886 for further information.

Come experience this sacred and profound system and feel its benefits! Make the change you wish to see in yourself!

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